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L’odyssée de la grive

Jean-Paul Florentino

  • L’odyssée de la grive*, a symbol, travels through time and through space … but still initiatory journey in a region where we practice a hunt inherited from a distant past, in which the cultural the argument at the worship.
    Hunting where passion and tradition rhyme with reason and emotion.
    Do not hesitate, immerse yourself in this book to discover the fascinating world of posts and cabins.

To order now at (+33)

Price : 32 € + (Shipping costs vary by country).

 Les bécassines en France

Patrice Février

  • The mores of the three snipe that spend or winter in France, their favorite territories, the creation or development of these habitats and, finally, the principles of sustainable hunting, refined by the knowledge of the actions of these birds in the long beak, form the framework of a work for the hunter as well as the developer or conservator

Price: 25 € + (Shipping costs vary by country) Order form


 Les grives de l’étoile

Guy Piana

  • Guy Piana born in Marseille in 1947 publishes a book “thrushes of the star”, after having supported a doctoral thesis of history in Aix en Provence in December 1992 on “memory and imaginary of a hunting practice in the Marseillais terroir “.
  • The author shares the description of a very particular hunting practice known as thrush hunting, with a variety of sources and a research approach in history.
 Price : 29 €  Order